All bots are market (trade) bots, unless otherwise noted.
Special Bots
These are utility bots which aid in play of the game. Being familiar with them may be useful.
- Rraisa - EL marketplace research bot.
- trinitybot - EL Price Check bot
- trustbot - Player trustworthiness input bot.
- mercator - Trade bot with additional informational features
- EternalBroker - Trade Arranger
Bot List
Bots come and go just like players. Bots are renamed, locked for abuse, sold and occasionally given away. If you click a link and see following message: This player did nasty things and is locked please tell a Wiki moderator so bot can be removed from list. Also if a bot no longer exists or is renamed also tell a moderator.
Many bots listed were non-existent and many had wrong guild or were on different map. Many new / renamed bots were not included so just listing bots now until we have mechanism to import bots or way for bot owners to add / update bots. If you are not an editor and would like to be, see the Main Page for requirements. Alternately you can send me a PM via wiki board or eternal lands board to me with bot list with following information:
- Bot Name
- Map including submap if any (i.e. DP or DP Crystal Caves Cave)
- Coordinates
- Guild (or state N/A if none)
- Any additional information
- Access_Denied
- Adarah
- Akeso
- Albacea
- Alch_Store
- Alice
- Amethyst
- AmosMoses
- Arachnid
- Artifice
- Astaroth
- Asteria
- Astraeus
- Astronomy
- AthenA
- Auriana
- Bazzy
- Beaver
- Belldandy
- Belur
- blackcat
- BodySnatcher
- Bomb_Shop
- Bookshop
- Botsie
- Boxer
- BraT
- Buddha
- Bugs_Bunny
- busy
- C2_Trader
- Camael
- Campman
- Caution
- CelticLass
- CelticWarrior
- Ceochan
- Charn
- Cheenos
- Chimothy
- cingl
- Collardhills
- CompanyMan
- corpus
- CR_Trader
- Crippler
- Crissy
- CupCakE
- DaisyGirl
- danius
- Darya
- daylecat
- Deka
- Dragon_Witch
- Drunken_Duck
- Dzik
- EL_Cid
- Elbay
- Ellstren
- Emerald
- Emporium
- Eset
- Euphrates
- Evilshalo
- Fademir
- falke05
- Fashions
- Fashions_II
- Flying_Cow
- Freya
- FunguS
- Gemini
- Gilmore
- GirlsName
- gizmos
- graadig
- Hammer
- hollowman
- HolyDragon
- HulkMan
- HydroTrader
- idle
- Iduna
- Incura
- Indiana
- IronMan
- IronWoman
- Islena
- IWannaRock
- JBBrooks
- Jeepers
- Josi
- Jute
- kaimas
- Karlin
- Katgut
- Kathkusa
- Keres
- KetChup
- KickAss
- KnightA_Shop
- KnightA_Stall
- Krosis
- Lasair
- Laubster
- leeuwarden
- LightPresent
- Lillu
- LittleMy
- Llud_Silverhand
- Lord_Legend
- LumberJack
- MadaM
- Malinche
- Manfa
- Mary
- Meike
- Mercandy
- mercator
- Merchant
- Millenium
- Miria
- Mix_And_Kill
- Monkeysoup
- mufo
- Naretria
- negotiator
- Nera
- NeverMind
- Nibal
- Oyster
- Passion
- Penthesilea
- Perun
- Pigi
- PK_Server_Info
- Plata
- Princess_Legend
- Pru
- Puppy
- Queen
- Quim
- Rafiki
- Richery
- Roope
- Rostogol
- safe
- Salt
- Sarala
- Sedna
- Sephtex
- SerpentLord
- Shari
- Shootingshark
- Shoprite
- Shrek
- Shrimptaco
- SigSegV
- Silver_Trader
- silverleaf
- Simba
- Siren
- SkClutch
- Spiderwire
- Stub
- Summ
- Tailor
- Tails
- Tanglebones
- Tasmani
- Tayama
- Teh_Master
- Teilk
- Tensai
- Tina
- TiredOfStanding
- Tove
- TradeBot
- Trader
- Trunks
- TutAnchAmon
- UnitGirl
- Unity
- Valhalla
- Vendo
- Vondor
- Vooten
- vulcano
- waffles
- Wayne_Kerr
- Windu
- Winterstar
- WiseDwarF
- XavierX
- xWing
- Zabadee
- Zara
- Zartob
- Zarumeon
- ZeBusceta
- Zerachiel