Trinitybot is a bot that keeps track of prices and has some time functions as well.
pc <item> - Price check on the requested item.
pc help - Help on price checking.
suggest <pr> <item> - Suggest a more accurate price for an item.
u <pr> <item> - Update the price of the item.
info - Some info about me.
news - Find out what has been updated recently.
help - This help.
help ext - Help on my extra commands
Extra commands
ping - Check to see if I'm online.
msg <msg> - Send a message to Torg.
uptime - Shows uptimes for myself and my system.
os - Shows the details of the OS I'm running on.
notify a tz fr - Try PMing me with 'help notify' for more info.
setlang <id> - Set the default language you wish me to respond in.
Description of the notify command
The notify command enables you to be PM'd with your local time at a specified frequency. This is helpful for when you are searching through your log as it also contains the date. To use this feature, PM me with 'notify <act> <tz> <freq>' where: <act> is the action (either add or rem) <tz> is the name of your Continent/City or offset from UTC <freq> is the frequency you would like me to PM you. This is based on 15 minute blocks, where 1 = every 15 minutes and 4 = every hour.