Best places

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Matter Essences

Enter Crystal Caverns by the southern entrance, and go left (south). As you go round the corner you will find an outcrop of Iron ore. Immediately to the south contained within a stone circle, can be found a fairly impressive growth of Quartz which is surrounded by both Blue and Rose Quartz. With all three Quartz, and the nearby Iron Ore, this is an ideal place to make matter essence. You only need to bring a few pickaxes (always good to have a spare) and plenty of food to eat while you are harvesting. Cooked meat works particularly well. Harvest ore/quartz while it is 'cooling down' It is far more efficient to create the essences here than to gather the ingredients separately. A matter essence weighs only 1 EMU, but the ingredients weigh 10.

As a bonus, try using the 'pointy finger' on the Quartz for a nice surprise.

This abandoned subterranean city is also a good source for this type of essences, you can find here all the Quartz in one location and the Iron Ore is not very far. This map also contains Fruits.