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  • Owner: The_Piper
  • Guild: EG
  • Purpose: EternalBroker is a go-between for you. He posts on ch 3 for you, and advertises for a fixed amount of time (3 days). There is no cost for his service.
  • Commands:
    • #help: Displays a help screen.
    • #commands: Displays all commands.
    • #orders: Shows all orders.
    • #my_orders: Shows your orders.
    • #delete: #delete [Numerical_Number] deletes one of your orders.
    • #new_order: #new_order [BUY/SELL] [Quantity(How many of the item)] [Price(Per each item)] [Item Name] puts in an order with the preceding details.
  • Location: White Stone, [706, 181]