Main Page
Welcome to the FoCW Wiki! It is intended to share information about Eternal Lands between members of the Fellowship. The idea of a wiki is that everyone can take part in it's development, so create a user account and start editing (or adding) pages!
If you need information about how to work with a wiki, you can try the following links for information:
- User's Guide for information on using the wiki software.
- Configuration settings list
- MediaWiki FAQ
- MediaWiki release mailing list
The most important thing for a wiki are cross-links between pages. If there is no link to a page, it doesn't exist, so remember to add cross-links to all relevant pages.
We are still trying to figure out what might be of interest. If you come up with a good idea, just go on and create it. So far the following big topics are planned:
- EL Maps: Information about maps: harvestables, npc's, sightseeing :)
- EL Gods: Worshipping facts
- Harvestables: Information about harvestable items.
- Combat Order: Lord Stormers progression of huntable creatures and terrifying monsters, from weakest to strongest. (It's possible we'll use this as our basis for the Creatures Compendium)
Building the Index
As you create things, please post a link to them here.