Bethel Invasion

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Basic Rules of Survival

I like to define a basic set of rules which are priotized and which are a summary from experience. This guide may not apply to players which are above

  • rule #1: Don't panic
  • rule #2: No cooldowned and no mana burn
    • if you do get a cooldown, make sure you stay away from monster of all kind. It will dramaticly decrease your chances of survival otherwise.
    • mana burn means that you will not only lose your mana, but also loose the same amount in health. If you get just two mana burns you loose 60 mana and you will need to drink 3 (3 x 18 seconds of cooldown) to refill. Therefore make it a priority to limit or reduce the chances of mana burn. (Funny side note: If your mana is zero, a mana burn will not take any health from you, but you are more or less dead all the same.)
  • rule #3: Drain Mana from all the tigers and grizzly bears that come near you (medium density).
  • rule #4: Have Magic Immunity on at all times (high density). For Magic Immunity you have to use 30 mana + 2 + 1 and it lasts for 90 seconds. The penalty for not casting the spell is much worse. Also make sure you have enough mana to refresh the spell before its effect wears off.
  • rule #5: stay away from strong creates that give you frequent and high critical damage. Critical damage (to hit) will not be absorbed by your armor. For example: Stay away from Frost Troll, Nasparliu, Nasty giants and Mare Bulangiu and Dragons as a general rule. If such a creature comes near you, you should flee from the fight and make sure you do not get engaged again after you use a Ring of Disengagement (31 seconds cooldown).
  • rule #6: teamplay
  • rule #7: it's better (from economic perspective) to flee 50 times from a fight then to die just once.
    • This also means you have to know when to flee from a fight. For example: You can decide to flee, before a tiger gives you cooldown and death is inevitable.
  • rule #8: Don't force anything. You may think that sometimes you have to kill just one more monster. It will exploit your recources and mislead other players around you to follow your bad example which puts everyone in danger.
  • rule #9: know your limits: Don't attack anything in the invasion that you have no experience with. For your character and your armor set there will be a specific number of highest damage which you can expect. If don't you have experience with the type of monster, better stay away from it and practise in a safe environment.


What helps the individual player also helps the team.

  • Share recources and loot in the team.
  • Allow players to join and leave the team.
  • Go in and retreat (restock) together.
  • Have a channel for communication open.
  • Give tips to players to correct errors which they may not be aware of.
  • Relief players who fight more then one critical monster, take some damage on yourself. If neccessary flee and reattack.
  • Communicate effectively. Make sure everyone knows when and what to do. Attack one target.

Safe Areas in Bethel

There are some areas which are safe during the invasion. Some are secret and I will not mention them here but here are some ideas:

  • The cliffs in Bethel with it's many caves. Basicaly the whole East side and part of the North side is covered by cliffs. In some places where you stand too close the edge monsters will attack you. So be carefull. Also be carefull not to double click on the ladders if you want to move upwards.
  • There is an old shipwreck in the North-Western area of the map. The currents are dangerous but once you are on the ship you will be safe.
  • On the South is a path into the mountains. It leads to a door from which you can enter the feros cave. Once above 95 defence, you are perfectly safe there.

There are some areas which are not 100% safe but give you a much better chance if you can not handle a full crowd.

  • Go behind the tavern. Only one monster can attack you from each side. The downside - if you will pin monster on top of the mountain path then you can not teleport to safety.
  • When you enter from the flags: Palon Vertas or Sedicolis or Idaloran you have 3 seconds to move before the first monster attacks you. Bethel is a small map and there are estimated 30.000 walkable squares on the map. When there are more then 1500 monster on the map it becomes extremely dense and dangerous. You may not even see the flags anymore because they are concealed by the monsters. 1875 monster means that you will find at least one monster in a 4x4 square. Every monster that is less then 5 steps away will attack you. Which means in turn that all monsters which are directly around you will attack you at once. Monster can attack from the second row even if there are monsters right in front of you. You can fight a maximum of 8 at once.