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What is the Fellowship? (Note, this is not a definition)

The Fellowship is more than just the group that started the wiki. It is more than just the Guild FoCW. It is more than a group of characters in the game. It is a group of players who not only live by certain principles in the game, they live by these same principles outside of the game.

Circe's view of Fellowship

I've been a member of FoCW & the Fellowship for some time now, but it wasn't until several weeks after joining that i fully understood what it meant to be Fellowship. A group of honourable people & guilds, who's endless dedication to guidance, support & generosity, amoung many other qualities, never fails to impress. On a regular basis, they congregate with the soul purpose to have fun, enjoy each others company & work as a team to the benefit of all. Whether looking to have fun, ask for assistance, view your opinions, have a few laughs or just spend some time alone, you know they are always there, at any time, should you need them. It's not just a group of moral people, it's not just a group of trusted guilds, it's not even just a Fellowship of friends & allies....It's a family, too which i am proud to belong.

Tidbits of Data