Noob Boss

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A Noob Boss is a creature with powers and abilities beyond those of ordinary ones.

There are three known types:

  1. 20 additional Material Points and increased overall combat parameters. This is the only type you can spot right away.
  2. Mirror Skin Perk. Hard to detect as not every hit gets mirrored.
  3. Self Destruct Perk. For obvious reasons, you can only spot these ones after defeating them.

The Noob Boss was created to make afk farming more interesting, causing better drops but also increased risks, making it more desirable to actually pay attention to the character.


Possible Noob Bosses
Male Goblin Armed Skeleton Female Orc
Female Goblin Medium Gargoyle Male Orc
Armed Goblin Tall Gargoyle Armed Female Orc
Small Gargoyle Male Ogre Armed Male Orc

Very Rare Drops[edit]