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The Dark Side[edit]

The Dark Side is a guild who's main objective is to make EL enjoyable. So... if you want to join a fun guild, Join the Dark Side...We have cookies


  • Guildmaster: TheRealSakura
  • Short name (tag): DARK
  • Long name: The Dark Side
  • URL: none at this time
  • Friendly guilds: HOLY


You are required to have at least 1 skill of level 20 or above. We would like you to have at least 2 skills with levels above 10 but exceptions can be made.

To Join[edit]

If you have met all the requirements and you want to have a good time then follow these steps to join.

  • type (without the quotes) "#join_guild The Dark Side"
  • PM TheRealSakura and request admission to the guild.
  • Patiently wait for your request to be processed