Orc Slayer
Orc Slayer
Great Swords
1 Binding Stone
25 Fire Essence
1 Steel Bar
4 Titanium Bar
2 Wolfram Bar
Manufacturing information
Recommended Manufacturing level: 46
Base Manufacturing experience given: 3600
Required tools:
Knowledge required:
Required nexus:
Food subtracted: 46
Dmg | Cold | Fire | Mag | Rad | Avg Dmg | Def | Acc | Crit Hit | Crit Dmg | Light | EMU | Human | Fail |
35-40 | 37.5 | +1 | +1 | +1 | 30 | 6 | Degrade |
Other Information
- Final Product Weight: 30 EMU
- Ingredients Weight: 94 EMU
- Stackable: No
- Storage: Normal
- Seller: Crisan in EVTR requests 40,000 gold coins each.
- Buyer: Crisan in EVTR pays 20,000 gold coins each.
- Note: The Joker can give to you this great sword!