Dvar - Father of the Dwarves and Gnomes[edit]
Taken from The Great Almanac of the Gods:
One of the oldest of the gods, Dvar is the father of the races of both dwarves and gnomes. Though long centuries of the world have passed and he fades more and more from the daily lives of the races, few who are not dwarf or gnome worship him. He is the greatest god of balance: Aluwen is good, Mortos is evil, and Dvar is neutrality. He is also accredited with the creation of most of Draia, although none can say exactly how the lands truly formed. He is the keeper of secrets and knows what has been, and is, more than any other god. What will be is shrouded even from the view of the gods, yet of all the deities, Dvar can see what may come of things far easier than any other god.
To follow Dvar is to bring balance to life and the lands and harbor the secrets of past and present.
Dvar is one of the Shadow Gods, indicating a God with smaller, more devout, groups of worshippers. Shadow Gods often lack temples or high priests. However, one can find their followers among the NPC populace.