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Mortos - Attack God[edit]

Taken from The Great Almanac of the Gods:

Self-centered, arrogant, and power-hungry, Mortos is by far the most widely recognized patron of evil and destruction. His lust for power led him to actions that began The War of the Gods and brought destruction and death to Draia. After the war he nursed his hatred of the other gods and all living things. Now he seeks death for all that live and give beauty. Crafting wretched creatures that mock the beautiful races of the other gods, he leads hoards of evil against the innocent. Though the Great War taught him lessons of the balance the world needs, he still delights in the suffering of all who are good. Immediately after the end of The Great War, he placed the curse of the undead upon his monsters, allowing them to forever return to plague mortals.

Even though he is seemingly void of compassion, or even any manner of a conscience, Mortos has been known to grow fond of mortals and even do a rare good deed. However, he would never admit to any of these things and they are rare events.

To follow Mortos is to delight in evil, death and destruction, and to be the herald of the end of life.


Naralik Catacombs

High priest[edit]



  • Followers get more attack experience.
  • At rank 3 of worshipping, you receive 22,400 attack experience (20,000 +12% god bonus).


  • Temporary +15 attack levels for 25 gc. Dirhyan will only offer the blessing if you are at least at rank 3 of worship. Once blessed, your attack level will reduce by 1 each minute until it returns to normal.


You cannot worship these gods while worshipping Mortos:

Starting rank[edit]

-2 (-8% attack experience)


Each rank of worship grants you a 4% increase in the amount of attack experience you recieve as long as you remain a worshipper. To advance to the next rank, you must retrieve a batch of a specific item and talk to Dirhyan. If you wish to renounce the god and return to your base experience amount, talk to Dirhyan. If you later wish to worship the god again, you will restart at rank -2.

Rank Items needed for this rank Where to put items Attack experience
-2 none - starting rank nowhere -8%
-1 300 Bones Storage -4%
0 50 Deer Antlers Storage -0%
1 100 Leather Gloves Storage +4%
2 100 Silver Bars Storage +8%
3 40 Iron Swords Storage +12%
4 200 Potions of Attack Storage +16%
5 5 Steel Chain Mails Storage +20%


Mortos during an invasion in the Irilion (C2) portals room