Invasion Token
Invasion Token
Rare invasion drops
Invasion tokens are rare drops from invasion creatures only (one can tell them by their red name tag). The drop rate depends on how strong the creature is, stronger creatures have a better chance to drop a token (update post).
Description: Can be redeemed under special conditions.
Storable: Yes
Stackable: unknown
Weight: 1 EMU
For other uses you will have to talk to Entropy/Radu.
Currently their known uses are
- Move creature spawn to a different map, Radu decides the spawn location on the map, takes 2 tokens per spawn. This was used to move two Cockatrice spawns to Kusamura Jungle: there and back again.
- Change Mountain and Forest Chimeran's
It's possible that one might be able to negotiate different uses, however it's not always the smartest thing to challenge fate.