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Aluwen - Defense God

Fitting would it be that the originator of all life be a female, a mother. Aluwen was fair and just in her dealins, but was easily take advantage of with her kind heart, open mindedness and belied in equality for all the inhabitants of the world. Aluwen followers usually get more defense experience, depending on their rank.

Aluwen's enemies are Mortos, the god of death, and Selain, the god of summoning. Her alignment is Lawful Good.


Whitestone - Forest of the Fall




Follwers get more defense experience.


Free Healing


Mortos and Selain

Starting Rank

-2 to Defense


  1. 20 Wooden Shields
  2. 120 Body Restoration Potions
  3. 500 Gold Coins
  4. 60 Red Snake Skins
  5. 40 Titanium Bars
  6. 1 Titanium Short Sword
  7. 500 Coal