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A mule at level 7

A mule is a guise into which a player can transform to temporarily increase their own maximum EMU carrying capacity. This capacity depends on their humanoid EMU capacity and the amount of time they have spent in the shape of a mule.

How to transform[edit]

  • To become a mule, you must use a Mule Glyph.
  • To remain in mule form, you must "eat" 1 creature food every 30 seconds.
    • To "eat", you must keep creature food in your inventory. It will be consumed automatically. Unlike normal food, creature food can be consumed on a Day of Fasting.
    • If you have no creature food in your inventory when it is due, you will transform back into your normal shape, requiring another mule glyph to become a mule again.
  • To return to your normal form, remove all remaining creature food from your inventory and wait, or click yourself with the pointy "use" finger. If you are overloaded, i.e. you have items of more total EMU in your inventory than your humanoid carry capacity allows, you will have to remove them (drop, into storage, use) before you can walk again in your humanoid form.


Your maximum EMU carrying capacity is increased by 10% each level on top your actual EMU, starting at level 0 with a 10% increase and raising to 130% increase of your humanoid maximum EMU capacity at level 12, the highest level currently.

Mule_EMU = Humanoid_EMU * (1 + ((mule_level + 1) * 0.1)), where 0 <= mule_level <= 12


There will be no notification when you reach a new level. To view your level, "look at" yourself with the eye mouse pointer while you are in mule form. You can also estimate the level of any mule by the color of its hide:

  • Level 0-3: gray
  • Level 4-7: brown
  • Level 8-12: black

Each mule level requires 800 creature food. Thus, the total amount of food required to advance to a desired level, starting from the beginning of your current level, is given by the following formula:

total_food = 800 * (desired_level - current_level), where 0 <= current_level <= desired_level <= 12

Thus, reaching the top level requires total 9600 creature food (160 Refined Vegetal Mixtures to make) and 80 hours spent in mule shape. The following table lists all the required basic ingredients and potions to produce 9600 creature food.

Item Amount Item Amount Item Amount Item Amount Item Amount
Empty Vial 3360 Yarrow 32000 Nightshade 32000 Poison Ivy 32000 Red Currents 32000
Gypsum 6400 Wormwood 32000 Mullein 32000 Henbane 32000 Blue Berries 32000
Raw Meat 2400 Tulips 32000 Dandelions 32000 Poppies 32000 Rue 32000
Refined Vegetal Mixture 160 Yarrow-Wormwood-Tulip Extract 800 Nightshade-Mullein-Dandelion Extract 800 Poison Ivy-Henbane-Poppies Extract 800 Red Currants-Blue Berries-Rue Extract 800

If you level while in mule form, you will not see your new carry capacity till the next time you transform. To benefit from a new mule level you have to use a new Mule Glyph.


What You Can Do[edit]

  • Can interact with objects:
    • Change maps,
    • Talk to NPCs (e.g. stores and storage)
    • Drop and pick up bags
    • "Use" items in the usual way (e.g. rings, food, potions, teleportals)
  • Can be healed by NPCs and other players
  • You can fight, but no att/def experience is given. (You will still get bonus experience from server/NPC such as turning in Haidir/Daritha dailies.)

What You Cannot Do[edit]

  • Cannot use Magic.
  • Cannot harvest.
  • Cannot use Potion of Speed Hax.
  • Cannot mix items.
  • Cannot wear clothes, armour or equip items in general. In fact, you cannot transform into a mule if you currently have items equipped.
  • Cannot trade with other players (or bots) using the trade window.
  • Cannot sit down. You will have to stand up before you can shapeshift.

See also[edit]
