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Latest revision as of 17:03, 8 August 2021


Map overview[edit]

This former White Stone City outpost is now virtually a independent state. The harbor is the main activity in Portland and connects the city to several parts of Seridia. Except for the port, titanium mining is the biggest industry in the city, titanium is a very lightweight and strong metal used extensively in armor and weapons. There are only 2 dangers in Portland, a lone Goblin called "Bob the Gob" and the GIWS Invasions that occasionally start in the Titanium Mines.

NPCs and Stores[edit]

  • Aleister, Clark's apprentice, north of town at [198,258]
  • Ahshta, Scholar, explorer and wanderer in town at [199,106]
  • Avyia, Reporter for Association of Scribes and Scholars at [248,151]
  • Bais, Leader of Chamber of Commerce at [229,78]
  • Brogan, book seller near the exit to Desert Pines at [191,355]
  • Clark's magic shop, north of town at [198,258]
  • Darla, flower shop north of town at [150,242]
  • Drial, Librarian, in town at [199,106]
  • Ivin, Fish Friend at [32,192]
  • Laura, Keeper of the Magic Apple Tavern & Inn in Portland at [178,109]
  • Lenard, general store in town at [193,93]
  • Marius, general store north of town at [145,253]
  • Nyeald, Mayor of Portland in a building on the west side of town at [95,56]
  • Paul's Blacksmithy, east of town at [274,91]
  • Strajer, Police chief at Eastern Portland gates at [217,122]
  • William's storage, in town at [229,78]
  • Xaquelina, perfume seller at [186,56]




  • [221,179] - Astronomy - BoC guild bot (right across from oyster)
  • [151,96] - Beaver - CEL
  • [234,112] - Busy - idle guild bot
  • [131,165] - EternalTrivia - EG
  • [112,26] - Evilshalo - S&S
  • [207,124] - Fashions
  • [208,128] - Fashions_II
  • [211,70] - Gemini - LNX
  • [238,112] - Idle - idle guild bot
  • [211,62] - Krosis - LORE
  • [202,85] - Mercator - Mercator
  • [172,106] - Nera - J&H
  • [197,87] - Nibal - R&R
  • [151,89] - Richery - RICH
  • [207,106] - Simba - LION
  • [131,85] - Tayama - *KA*
  • [208,85] - TutAnchAmon - LotM


Internal maps[edit]

Exits to[edit]

This map has exits to the following maps:

By Land
Desert Pines - [170,366]
Morcraven Marsh - [312,21]
Tahraji Desert (PK) - [28,288]
White Stone by Eastern Cave - [321,189]
By Boat
Grubani Peninsula - [140,27]
Tarsengaard - [199,63]
Desert Pines - [146,58]