Irilion maps

Map overview
NPCs and Stores
Mooseric: General Store - [157,563]
Chary: Storage - [32,301]
- Croitorul: Tailoring - [180, 511]
Alysia: Tavern - [192,594]
Black Rose - [207, 157]
Blue Berries - [484, 290], [704, 442]
Blue Lupine - [96,303], [274,135], [410, 481], [559, 511], [629, 260]
Blue Star Flower -
Chrysanthemum - [253, 409], [504, 474]
Cinnabar -
Daffodils - [480,113], [726, 426]
Dandelions - [481,120], [492, 232], [658, 212], [726,415]
Dung - [339, 352]
Fruits - [571,226]
Henbane -
Impatiens - [221, 145], [255,317], [378, 490], [739, 187]
Lilacs - [501, 321], [570,528], [727,415]
Mugwort -
Poppies - [477,121], [725,428]
Red Currents - [658, 211]
Red Rose -
Red Snapdragons -
Rue - [731, 182]
Sunflower -
Swamp Candles -
Tiger Lilly -
Tree Mushroom - [724,407]
Tulips - [507, 264], [723,427], [657, 292], [692, 246]
White Asiatic Lilly - [62, 178] - Removed with 1.6 Update
Wood Branches -
Wood Logs - [342,249], [340, 428]
Wormwood -
Yellow Rose -
Fisher's Forge, Manufacturing school in Fisher's Point at [75, 364].
Secret spots
Internal Maps
Irinveron Caves
Entrance at [710,146]
Irinveron Insides
Exits to
This map has exits to the following maps: