Kilaran Field
Kilaran Field
Seridia maps
Map overview
- WARNING! This map is PK! This means that you cannot use #beam me in this map.
- This map is a "No drops" map, when you die you will not lose items from your inventory, with the exception of Rostogol Stones, those will disappear as usual, so you might want to consider not bringing them with you.
- This map is also multi-combat, so more than one monster/player can attack you at one time.
- Blue Star Flower - [57,43],[74,105]
- Chrysanthemum - [114,44],[145,116],[159,123],[76,93],[80,46],[87,55]
- Fruits - [159,43],[73,65],[74,121]
- Impatiens - 2x [96,98], [105,45],[118,86],[121,98],[124,115],[126,43],[127,32],[135,122],[144,133],[162,138],[166,91],[61,88],[77,46],[85,65],[93,40] (more locations 2x)
- Poison Ivy - [131,88]
- Tiger Lilly - [113,69],[139,102]
- White Asiatic Lilly - [100,55],[112,82],[124,124],[133,81]
- Wood Branches - [125,50] (multiple other locations)
Readable book in one of the forts
Exits to