Tahraji Desert
Tahraji Desert
Seridia maps
Map overview
This is a Player Kill map. However, it is a LEGACY map from back in the days when things did not require a cool down period. This is a major advantage if you can find a secluded space to mix your essences on fruit.
- PK map
- No cooldown on items
- Rostogol Stones do not work here
NPCs and Stores
Black Rose - [235,216]
Blue Star Flower - [217,219]
Cactus - all over the place
Chrysanthemum - [234,216]
Fruits - [214,159]
Lilacs - [235,216], [226,208]
Red Rose - [235,216]
Sunflower -
Tiger Lilly - [233,207]
Wood Branches - [217,219]
Wood Logs -
Yellow Rose - [235,216]
- Summoning arena, you can get there by using some sort of globes in a ruin in the north-east
- Bag spawns with Potion of Body Restoration and possibly other things in the north-east and south-east
Secret spots
Insert secret spots here
Internal Maps
Exits to
This map has exits to the following maps: