Seridia maps

Map overview
NPCs and Stores
Azra - Crafting school in the east - [261,205]
Bronne - Member of the Black Cloaks in a secret area
Daritha - Commander of the garrison inside a building in town at [177,189]
Durnam - High priest of Zarin,the goddess of crafting
George - Magic school gardener - [193,282]
Ghita - Sapphire Rose Tavern & Inn in town - [180,214]
Itilli - Crafting bookstore inside the magic school - [183,315]
Jade - Tailoring student in an alley in town - [155,216]
Kaleb - Farmer to the southwest of town - [136,147]
Logan - Veteran of the Great War inside a house in town
Maechen - Forgetful wizard in town - [210,213]
Moonflower - Minor preist of Zarin - temple entry at [321,58]
Omri - Engineering school in the south - [87,42]
Relnor - Storage in town - [197,184]
Silvars - Librarian in Tarsengaard Magic School Library - [184,320] (inside at [28,238])
Tailorica - Tailoring shop in town - [207,247]
- unoccupied magic shop inside the magic school - [183,315] (inside at [40,42])
Violet - Exile and worshipper of Lucaa on Roanof Island
Blue Lupine - [121,82],x2 [269,206]
Blue Star Flower - [301,150]. [302,160],[312,119],[271,152],[316,136],[284,164]
Chrysanthemum - x2 [185,79],x2 [198,111],x2 [317,26],x2 [243,135],[197,103]
Dung - [134,159]
Emerald - Roanoff Island [336,331]
Fruits - Roanoff Island [284,351]
Henbane - [51,341],[87,253],[234,209],[246,226], [51,341] 00:10
Impatiens - x2 [53,302],x2 [85,73],x2 [104,46],x2 [257,204],[269,206] - Roanoff Island x2 [352,307],[104,44],[148,26]
Lilacs - [123,143],[111,124]
Red Rose - [62,322]
Red Snapdragons - x2 [42,167]
Rue - [180,146] 0:25
Sunflower - [23,332]
Swamp Candles - [222,153]
Tiger Lilly - [107,225],[226,188]
Toadstool - [92,272],[103,210],[59,126]
Tulips - [206,216],[155,255],[269,204],[155,256]
Valerian - [86,89],[152,126],[160,280],[50,151],[50,141]
Vegetables - [76,330],[93,122],[95,154],[120,115],[100,135],[127,164]
White Asiatic Lilly - [96,277],[269,206],[293,54],[339,72], Orc cave
Wood Branches - [57,317]
Wood Logs - [57,317],[109,139],[136,250],[306,147],[215,227]
Yarrow - [154,215],[148,218] ~25s,[126,169],[185,257],[234,145]
Bold indicates nearest to storage
- Cookfire in Tavern (working)
- Fireplace in Storage (working)
- Crafting school - [261,205]
- Engineering school - [87,42]
- Firepit (not working) - [117,47]
- Firepit (not working) - [304,150]
- Firepit (not working) - [80,284]
- Magic School - [183,314]
Bot Name | Coordinates | Owner | Guild |
Ceochan | [178, 286] | DragonCairn | FoCW |
Emporium | [200, 180] | bkc56 | J&H |
Faithy | [213, 204] | Kerma | H&F |
IronMan | [166, 134] | Entris | |
IronWoman | [170, 138] | Entris | |
Katgut | [43, 269] | littlebro2 | |
Lord_Legend | [44, 259] | LLL | |
Princess_Legend | [47, 269] | LLL | |
Teilk | [180, 204] | sg1 | IRON |
vulcano | [215, 195] | ||
Zara | [172, 204] | Zarkuu | RoS |
Armed Goblin [50,340]~40s, [191,285]
Brown Rabbit
Brown Snake
Green Snake
Grizzly Bear
Red Snake
Wood Sprite
Secret spots
Internal maps
Gargoyles Cave - [48,51]
Magic School - [183,314]
Orvimon's Crypt - [152,26]
Exits to
This map has exits to the following maps:
Nordcarn via North Cave - [42,65]
Portland via ship - [139,305]
Valley of the Dwarves - [21,271]
White Stone - [335,15]