Imbroglio Islands

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Imbroglio Islands

Map overview

The Imbroglio Islands are a chain of islands connected via caves with many PK areas. It is a snow bound land with limited visibility and dangerous monsters. Many come seeking fortune harvesting Hydrogenium Ore.


* Verified with version 1.9


  • Firepit [219,173] (not tested)
  • Firepit inside (not tested)
  • Portal room drops you at [80,273]


Internal maps

  • Imbroglio ice maze 1
  • Imbroglio ice maze 2
  • Imbroglio ice maze 3
  • Imbroglio ice maze 4
  • Imbroglio ice maze 5
  • Imbroglio fire maze
  • Imbroglio caves

Exits to

This map has exits to the following Maps: