Irilion maps

Map overview
What used to be a thriving city, was laid to waste by a crystline curse. Now its barren landscape is home to some foul and dangerous creatures. But don't let the desert bleakness fool you, this map is RICH with hidden beauty and secrets.
NPCs and Stores
Hazardel, HazMat Storage - Melinis Sewers [648,668]
Closca - NPC Merchant [255,125] - ignore his text, this person really does sell vials at 5gc each.
Iancu Jianu - Blacksmith [169,276] - Bronze armour can be bought from this NPC, located in a house in the north-west of the city.
Blue Lupine - West of the cities north-west corner [77,307]
Blue Quartz - Found in the far south-west [34,25] and some caves, only
Blue Star Flower - South-east of the cities south-east corner [259,86]
Cactus - In the Crystal Desert
Chrysanthemum - Anywhere in or around the city
Cotton - East of the cities east-wall [298,275]
Dung - Found in the city [164,189] and [194,251]
Quartz - Could be any colour, and see through [all over the map]
Rose Quartz - Could be any colour, and see through [all over the map]
Vegetables - North of the cities east-wall [368,312]
Wheat - East of the cities east-wall [302,155]
In the steel bar cave in the north-west [28,327]
- Iron Ore - West-side [129,169]
- Coal - East-side [62,204]
- Obsidian - Not yet a game harvestable - [64,270] teleport over lava required at [101,252]
In the fire essence cave within the city's safety [130,189]
In a partly PK cave through severe heat damage [166,143]
On Smee Island north of Melinis
Emerald - [109,353]
- There is a PK arena above the docks, west-side [202,292]
- The city is sealed off from the dangerous creatures outside, to get out one should use the gates at [134,271] and [240,110]
Outside the city:
Inside the city:
Secret spots
Internal Maps
Insides map
Caves map
Exits to
This map has exits to the following maps:
Hurquin - Ship at the docks [241,267]
Idaloran - Ship at the docks [218,258]
Sedicolis - In the south-west [33,92]
Thelinor - In the south-east, through a cave [207,27]