North Redmoon

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Revision as of 16:45, 8 August 2021 by VinoVeritas (talk | contribs) (74 revisions imported)
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North Redmoon

Map overview[edit]

Home of the Red Dragon, usually hiding in the volcano, that big chicken!

NPCs and Stores[edit]

  • Neculce - Redmoon Library (engineering books) - [275,290]
  • Rocky - Dragon Breath Tavern - [247,269]
  • North Redmoon General Store - (empty) - [293,278]



Internal maps[edit]

Exits to[edit]

This map has exits to the following maps:

By Land
South Redmoon - [264,23]
By Boat
Idaloran - [337,352]
Thelinor - [304,348]