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Map overview
NPCs and Stores
Insert NPCs and Stores here
- Black Nightshade - [52, 104]
- Black Rose -
- Blue Berries - [54, 103]
- Blue Lupine - [131,160]
- Blue Quartz - [33, 115]
- Blue Star Flower -
- Chrysanthemum - [33, 131]
- Cinnabar -
- Daffodils -
- Dandelions - [63, 92]
- Fruit - [184,166]
- Gold -
- Henbane - [51, 100]
- Impatiens - [106, 50]
- Lilac - [102, 102]
- Mullein -
- Mugwort - [53, 97]
- Poppies -
- Quartz - [130, 79]
- Red Currents - [58, 92]
- Red Rose -
- Red Snapdragons -
- Red Toadstool -
- Rose Quartz - [6, 73]
- Rue - [226, 179], [344, 186]
- Tulips - [54, 94]
- Valerian - [63, 96]
- Vegetable - [184,166]
- White Asiatic Lilly -
- White Chanterelle -
- Wood Branches - [107, 45]
- Wood Logs -
- Wormwood -
- Yarrow - [56, 101]
- Yellow Rose -
Internal Maps: Trassian Silver Mine:
- Silver - [296,142 - Iscalrith Dungeon]
Yeti Cave:
- Falcon
- Hawk
- Polar Bear
- Snow Leopard
- Yeti (inside)
Secret spots
Internal Maps
- Trassian Caves - Iscalrith Dungeon (aka Trassian Silver Mine)
Harvestables include: Silver, Toadstoll, Chrysanthemum, Vegetables, Blue Star Flowers, Blue Quartz, and Valerian
- Trassian Caves - Deepstone Caverns (Yeti)
Harvestables include: Sapphires, Sulfur, Iron, Silver, Quartz, Rubies, Gold, Emeralds, Cinnabar, Titanium, and Coal
Exits to
This map has exits to the following maps: