South Redmoon

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South Redmoon

Map overview[edit]

NPCs and Stores[edit]

  • Grrawl - Storage in Nargash Village - [171,205]
  • Ramso - General store in Nargash Village - [183,269]
  • Wert - Tavern in Nargash Village - [197,264]


Bold = closest to storage



  • There is a graveyard [258,242] where some of the tombstones commemorate players who have died (RL) on LOOK.
    • Devani memorial: Blessed are the pure in heart
    • In memory of Andy Westberry, aka CoOolcat5

Secret spots[edit]

Internal maps[edit]

Exits to[edit]

This map has exits to the following maps:

By Land
North Redmoon - [77,356]
By Boat
Hurquin - [167,12]
Zirakinbar - [194,39]