Grubani Peninsula

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Grubani Peninsula

Map overview

This area holds many high level monsters and is the only source of Seridium Ore. It does not have a storage area, so you will need to cross to other lands to store/retrieve items. It was a PK map until 2005, but not anymore.

NPCs and Stores

  • Clint - Orchan lumberjack who chops yew - [63,234]
  • Dragburn - Developer of explosive arrows in Ywarstav - [63,127]
  • Fat Lou - Ship commissioner in Ywarstav - [42,82]
  • Gretch - Thief in Marlin Cove - [236,359]
  • Heimdall - Orchan Urnak (warrior) with Throvnc's tribe in Omlinor - [66,136]
  • Iluwen - Harbormaster of the port in Omlinor - [274,106]
  • Jace - Archery tester in Ywarstav - [74,114]
  • Kathryn - News reporter in Ywarstav - [80,140]
  • Lady Celeste - Stealthy telepath northwest of the shipyard - [99,271]
  • Nahark - Book seller in Ywarstav - [54,109]
  • Rabenoen - Shipwright and owner of the shipyard - [134,260]
  • Soquela - Shamanic necromancer in Styks Swamp - [72,306]
  • Throvnc - Shaman and leader of an orchan tribe in Omlinor [289,87]
  • Zhena - Herb gatherer for Throvnc's tribe - [165,135]




  • Kickass *KA* [35,353]


Internal Maps

  • Insides (of huts)

Exits to

This map has exits to the following maps:

By Land
Naralik - [14,349]
White Stone - [114,366]
By Boat
Portland - [320,125]